Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Sunday walk: 14 May - Three Cleveland Heights Walk

Start: 10am prompt 

Parking: car park by roadside at Claybank top on the B1257 Helmsley to Stokesby road

Leader: Mike

Level of difficulty: Moderate

Distance: 7 miles

Time: 3.5 hours

Refreshments: Pub at Chopgate

This walk covers some of the most dramatic scenery on part of the Lyke Wake walk. You walk along the rim of the escarpment overlooking the Cleveland Plain, Roseberry Topping and the coast. The walk involves three steep climbs but returns via an easier walk through some woods.

Sunday, 16 April 2017

Tuesday walk: April 18th - Thixendale and Kirkby Underdale

Time: 10am prompt

Parking: Roadside parking in Thixendale

Leader: Ali

Distance: 8 miles

Time: 4-4 1/2 hours

Refreshments and toilets: Pub and cafĂ© in Thixendale.

This reasonably energetic walk takes us across some of the quietest and loneliness country of the Yorkshire Wolds. The first and last parts are through the steep-sided Thixendale and adjacent dales. We pass through the attractive village of Kirkby Underdale. There are some superb views from the western edge of the Wolds, looking across the wide expanses of the Vale of York.

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Easter Saturday long walk: Boroughbridge and the River Ure - Saturday 15 April

Start: 9am at picnic car park in Langthorpe (nr Boroughbridge)

Leader: Clive

Distance: 18 miles

Time: allow ~6 hours plus time to have something to eat after

Level of difficulty: Moderate - challenge is in the distance rather than hills

Toilets and refreshments: pubs at Aldwark and Boroughbridge

This river round walk features Boroughbridge and the Lower Ure Valley, with some wonderful views of the river and surrounding countryside.

Friday, 7 April 2017

York Oddsocks Walk1000Miles 2017 Challenge

Walk 1000 miles in Year?

It's only 2.74 miles a day average and there are 52 weeks to complete the challenge.

The key is little and often, whether its walking to work or the shops, and of course joining our Oddsocks walks, including weekend walks and Lyke Wake Walk Challenge in order to get the miles on the clock.

There is even a progress tracker that you can print and stick on your wall or fridge at home to keep you on track to complete the challenge.

As the year progresses, I will ask Oddsockers to send me their updates and I will post progress below at the end of each month.

If you want to join the challenge, let me know here and I will send over the Progress Tracker for you to print at home and add your name to the challenge.

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Sunday walk: 9th April - Ripley

Start time: 10am 

Meeting place: Big car-park just off the roundabout into Ripley

Leader: Keith

Distance: 8 miles

Level of difficulty: Easy to moderate

Time: ~4 hours

It is an 8 mile walk on mainly farm lanes and field paths. Undulating, but no serious climbs.

Toilets and cafes in Ripley.