Friday, 31 May 2019

Sunday walk: Thixendale and Kirby Underdale - Sunday 9 June 2019

Start: 10am prompt

Start point: Outside the Church at Thixendale

Parking: Parking on the roadside near the Church

Leader: Rob

Distance: 8.25 miles

Time: 4 hours approx.

Level of difficulty: Moderate but with some hills

Toilets: At the tea room and pub. Not open at the start of the walk

Refreshments: At either the Cross Keys Pub or Tea Room at Thixendale Village Hall

An invigorating walk crossing some of the quietest countryside of the Yorkshire Wolds. A couple of lengthy climbs through the steep sided Thixen Dale and its adjacent dales.  Also some superb views looking across the wide expanse of the Vale of York.

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Tuesday walk: Fulford - Tuesday 28th May

Start: 10am prompt

Meeting point: Parking on Landing Lane, Fulford.  - SE610487

Travelling into York on the A19 from the Designer Centre, Landing Lane is a Left Hand turn just before the new traffic lights on the new flood defences as you enter Fulford. (You will pass under a Height Restriction barrier as you turn off the A19)

Distance: 94 million miles (approx) - we will be walking to the Sun & some of the planets!!) (Should only feel like 8.5 miles).

Level of difficulty: Easy

Time: 3-4 hours

Toilets and refreshments: None at the start or en-route but the plan is to stop at the Cycle Café near the Millennium Bridge near the end of the walk.

The walk is around Fulford taking in the banks of the river Ouse, York golf course & part of the University grounds. Reasonably dog friendly.

Friday, 3 May 2019

Sunday walk: Wetwang - Sunday 12 May

Start: 10am prompt on Northfield Road (first left as you enter village from York)

Parking: on grass verge opposite bungalows

Leader: Clive

Distance: 9 miles

Level of difficulty: Moderate

Refreshments: Pub in Wetwang or cafe in Fridaythorpe

Gentle climb at start, then mainly grass lanes and farm tracks, with option to visit the Tatton Sykes Monument (depending on conditions on the day).